What is Trigeminal Neuralgia?
Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) is a painful condition that affects the Trigeminal Nerve. this nerve is one of the most widley distributed nerves in the human head, coursing up to the forehead (V1), down to the cheek (V2), and finally along the jaw (V3). Addititionally, the Trigeminal nerve has a route inside the skull as well.
What's NOT often talked about is the Trigeminal Nerve's proven connection to the neck.
Let's be VERY clear though. Not all TN comes from the neck, just as not all comes from the nerves inside the skull. Never heard that? Well, take a look:
If you've done any amount of Googling, you've likely realized some of this by now. It's also likely that you've read, been told by a friend, or saw in an Trigeminal Neuralgia support group that something known as Upper Cervical Chiropractic has helped reduce the symptoms associated with TN