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Treatment for Jaw Pain & TMJ Pain

Dr. Cameron Bearder

Bullseye target on lateral skeleton view; TMJ treatment, Keystone Spine Clinic, Charlotte chiropractor.
Jaw pain near ear, anyone? TMJ Treatment is one of our specialties at Keystone.

One of the most common conditions I co-manage and treat is Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD), also referred to as TMJ, which stands for Temporomandibular Joint. In some instances, there seems to be a bit of confusion on the topic, so I'd like to dedicate this post to clear the air, so to speak. We're going to review the following:

  • What are the symptoms of TMJ/TMD?

  • What is TMJ/TMD?

  • What causes TMJ/TMD?

  • How is TMJ/TMD treated?

First, as mentioned above, TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint. Our first point of clarification, TMJ is NOT the condition, but the actual anatomy. The condition is referred to as Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD). TMD is the most common condition that affects the TMJ ... make sense? For accuracy and totality, the correct abbreviation would be TMJD, for Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction. Whew! Now that that's out of the way, let's dig in! 1. What are the symptoms of TMJ/TMD? This condition is so much more than just "Jaw Pain", or "jaw pain on one side." In actuality, TMJD is frequently associated with :

  • headaches

  • migraines

  • ear pain

  • neck pain

Anatomy of common TMJ, neck, and orofacial pain disorders; jaw pain, TMJ pain, TMD, TMJ Cornelius, Davidson, Huntersville, Charlotte, joint arthralgia, myofascial pain Charlotte, dental ligament strain.
This extensive list highlights common TMJ, Neck, Orofacial Pain, and Headache Disorders.

In some extreme cases, the pain becomes so severe that it can feel stabbing or electric, as in the case of Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN). As I've treated patients with TN, I can tell you that I have been told many times that this is one of the worst pains you can imagine.

2. What is the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)? Big word, let's break this down. The TMJ is your jaw joint. You know, the jaw ... you need it for just about everything important these days, like talking, eating, and, in incorrect fashion, breathing. We move our jaw joint a lot, and as I'm sure you're thinking, some move it more than others! Ah, Dr. Bearder has jokes.

Anatomy of TMJ joint; face pain, neck popping, neck clicking, neck tenderness, grating noise, jaw pain Charlotte, jaw pain Cornelius, jaw pain Davidson, jaw pain Huntersville, jaw pain Mooresville, jaw pain Lake Norman.
The jaw joint plays a vital role by connecting the jaw to the skull, enabling critical functions such as chewing, speaking, and yawning with ease and precision.

3. What causes TMJ/TMD? Unfortunately, this is quite a bit more complex than it seems, and I do not intend to make light of this condition. TMJ/TMD causes tremendous discomfort and remains a confusing topic for many. While the pain you may be experiencing is in, or around, the jaw/jaw joint, the actual source or cause may be elsewhere. When evaluating TMJ pain, it is essential to evaluate all possible sources for potential involvement. For example, TMJD and pain can be caused by:

  • Abnormal motion of the jaw.

  • TMJ disc irritation.

  • Dental abnormalities.

  • Abnormal jaw muscle tightness.

  • Forward head posture.

  • Atlas displacement.

You might be wondering, "Is this guy a chiropractor or a dentist?" While I'm definitely not a dentist, I maintain strong working relationships with local dental professionals, both general and specialized. During our assessment, if it becomes clear that upper cervical chiropractic isn't the ideal initial approach, or upon reassessment when significant improvements have been made, we might decide it's best to refer you to a vetted physician or dental professional for further benefits. This is central to our approach as we believe the future of healthcare lies in collaborative management.

If your current physician isn't embracing this collaborative network, I encourage you to engage them on the benefits of networking beyond their specialty. Also, if you have a healthcare provider you trust, please share their contact information with us during your visit, and feel free to e-mail them and share the Keystone Spine Clinic provider page, For Healthcare Practitioners. This will introduce the clinic and share our expertise and focus. We will always make time to meet fellow healthcare providers, as we are genuinely interested in growing symbiotic, respectful connections across our community. Those of us who have dedicated our lives to serving our community have much in common and strive to serve our client's needs to the best of our ability. At any rate, achieving your healthcare goals is our priority, and it may involve consulting a fellow healthcare provider if deemed necessary.

4. How is TMJ/TMD treated? Common treatments for TMJ pain include:

  • Anti-inflammatory medication.

  • Neurotonin for reducing nerve activity.

  • Manual manipulations of the jaw.

  • Dental correction, through braces or mouthguards.

  • Maxillofacial surgery.

I could practically feel you wince at the thought of paying for the procedures and treatments listed above. In some cases, these treatments are vital. However, in many situations, they may not be required. It's important to note that the cause of TMJ pain and dysfunction can sometimes originate from your neck, particularly the upper cervical spine.

Picture of Atlas Displacement; tmj causes, tmj relief, jaw doctor near me, what causes tmj, tmj jaw pain, upper cervical chiropractic, upper cervical charlotte, upper cervical lake norman, spine lake norman, tmj doctor near me, chronic face pain
A misaligned c1 or atlas bone can disrupt the nervous system in a particularly sensitive region known as the Trigeminal Nucleus. This area is essential for relaying messages to the muscles that control jaw movements and for transmitting sensory information.

The upper cervical spine, commonly referred to as the upper neck, plays a crucial role in the overall functioning of the jaw, as it is closely linked to various vital structures that facilitate jaw movement. When a displacement of the Atlas Bone, the first cervical vertebra at the top of the spine, can lead to a range of structural and neurological implications. This misalignment can manifest as nerve pain or the unsettling sounds of clicking and popping when the jaw moves.

From a neurological perspective, an Atlas Displacement can disrupt the nervous system in a particularly sensitive region known as the Trigeminal Nucleus. This area is essential for relaying messages to the muscles that control jaw movements and for transmitting sensory information, including pain signals, from the head and neck. When this communication is impaired, it can trigger a cascade of issues, affecting both movement and sensation.

A misaligned Atlas can significantly affect how the head sits atop the neck. This misalignment may lead to problematic postures, such as forward head posture or a noticeable head tilt. These changes in alignment can worsen issues like jaw clicking or jaw popping, as the dynamic relationship between the neck and jaw becomes compromised. Understanding these connections highlights the importance of maintaining proper alignment in the upper cervical spine to ensure the overall health of both the jaw and surrounding structures.

By correcting an Atlas alignment, the nerves can function optimally, allowing for restored sensation and movement in the jaw. Additionally, proper alignment helps the head sit correctly over the neck, facilitating normal structural motion between the head and neck. We will talk about strengthening the surrounding muscles in a later post! Ok. That's all for now, I think we've covered many bases in today's post. If you or a loved one are struggling with problems from TMJD, there's a good chance that our technique approach may be able to help and know that you’re not alone. At Keystone Spine Clinic, we offer clinically proven, natural relief that makes a difference. No pharmaceuticals. No surgeries. Just hands-on, holistic care. Imagine living with less pain and greater comfort. Helping you return to your best life drives our daily commitment to those we serve.

Thank you for your attention, and we genuinely hope this content was informative and of value.

The Keystone Team would be honored to connect with you if you are seeking TMJ treatment. Let's get after this once and for all and explore personalized solutions to enhance your quality of life.


Learn more about Our Doctor at Keystone and our services. Our team is committed to helping you get back to living your best life.

If you want to schedule a FREE Consultation to discuss your health challenges and goals, we look forward to speaking with you. We hope to be the solution you have been looking for. Whether you live in Charlotte, NC, or nearby Lake Norman, we are here to help. Please explore our Out-of-Town Client Options for those over 60 miles from Lake Norman.




Disclaimer: This blog is intended for general information purposes only. It does not provide medical, chiropractic, nursing, or other healthcare services, nor does it offer medical advice. A doctor-patient relationship is not established through the use of this blog. Readers and users take full responsibility for any information or materials they use from this blog at their own risk. The content here is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not ignore or delay seeking medical advice for any health concerns. It is important to consult with licensed healthcare professionals for assistance with any health issues.


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